
Signet Media

About the work

Signet Media is a digital media and display network solution provider specializing in content creation, management and distribution across enterprise networks and platforms. These solutions included interactive kiosks, media and video walls, wayfinding signage, briefing centers and environmental signage for tradeshows and kiosks. Below are projects I worked on while on contract.


Starbucks is known for their coffee and their customer experience. Each retail space is branded similarly, but tailored to the layout of their store. We presented two designs to Starbucks for potential interactive displays where you could learn about your coffee, catch up on the news, see what music was currently playing and queue up the next song. This was also pitched as an opportunity to tell more about the coffee beans and sustainability.



I worked on two projects for Nike while working with Signet. The first was in retail display that allows customers to customize their shoe in store. These interactive displays were designed to make an impact at six feet tall. Meanwhile, at headquarters, I designed a series of branded displays to show schedules for conference rooms and share upcoming internal communications.


Lockheed Martin

"The Lockheed Martin Corporation is an American aerospace, arms, defense, information security, and technology corporation with worldwide interests." With such a long history of innovation, Lockheed Martin wanted an interactive display where visitors could see a timeline of technological advancements. These displays would be touch displays and users could play videos, learn facts about things like The Hubble Space Telescope, or see high definition photos.


"A very creative mind mixed with a strong collaborative attitude = John, a great designer. John executed on various innovative projects and always came through with strong conceptual thinking and good executional follow-through. As a team member, John has a strong collaborative mindset and was a great resource to have in any review to share ideas or formulate direction from feedback. John is a great addition to any creative team."

Neil Rieger,

Director, Strategy & Operations at Signet


Visual Designer


2014 - 2015